The Launch of the new Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031

Statement from Professor Siobhan O'Neill, Mental Health Champion, about the launch of the new Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031:

"I am delighted with today's announcement of the new Mental Health Strategy. This strategy is an ambitious plan for the much needed reform of mental health services in Northern Ireland. I am particularly pleased that the strategy also contains plans for the prevention of mental illness, and early intervention so that people can get the support and help that they need in a timely manner. 

I wish to thank Minister Swann and the Department of Health who have work tirelessly through these very difficult times to deliver this impressive document. I would also like to thank all those who responded to the consultation and the people with lived experience who shaped the strategy. We must now demand that the Executive work together to ensure that this Mental Health Strategy is prioritised and funded in full."   

To read the Mental Health Strategy follow this link:

Speaking to UTV News about the Mental Health Strategy:

Speaking to BBC Radio Ulster: Talkback: